DIET - Meal Prep

So often people say why they struggle to eat healthily is because they don’t have time.... agree?

Well, one way to minimise time spent cooking healthy meals is to prep them before hand so all you have to do is heat it up and enjoy. Of course, this means you’d have to dedicate some time to prep meals for the week. Sunday would be best as it’s the weekend and the food will still be fresh for the week ahead.

Here are some meal prep ideas and where to find the complete recipe:  

Meals in jars, such as salads or oatmeal breakfast, are rising in popularity and they are one of the best ways to prep for work lunches, as they are tidy and efficient. Check out some of the links below for some great salad jar recipes:

Following on from the last post about smoothies, bag the ingredients beforehand and freezing them saves up heaps of time in the morning. Check out this video from 'The Live Fit Girl'

You can visit this link for more healthy lunch meal prep ideas and recipes:


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