5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts at Home

How great to hear that you don't need to throw in money for the gym? Because you can workout at home!

5 Minutes of an intensive workout every day if good enough to maintain your body.
You do need to pay attention to what you eat and try these techniques to burn your fat in just 5 minutes.

These workouts will help you to experience fat loss all over your body if practiced every day. All you need for this fat burning workout is:

  •  Towel
  •  Mat 

Leg Lifts Exercise: (30 Seconds)
This exercise will work your legs and abs. You need to lie down on the mat facing upwards. Place your legs close to each other, now lift them straight up and bring them to your tummy. Put your legs down, while putting them down stretch them out in the opposite directions and bring them up to your tummy. Again as you place them down, close them and pull them up. Continue this same procedure for 30 seconds. You will feel a burn in your tummy and legs as you proceed.  This is undoubtedly the best exercise to lose fat from the lower part of the body.  

Jump Squats Exercise: (30 seconds)
The jump squat exercise is a power packed cardio exercise to lose weight that is often included in various fitness regimes. It helps in toning the thighs and working out the whole body. You need to stand straight with your feet at shoulder width. Bend down as much as you can into a perfect squat. However, while coming up, you need to exit in a jump. Again go down into a squat and jump up. This is a great intensive workout which will keep your heart beat up and make you sweat.  Make a nice and deep squat for best results. You will enjoy doing this exercise and also experience an effective weight loss by doing this exercise regularly.

Push up and Knee Kick Exercise: (30 seconds)
This is the traditional push-up and is one of the best home exercises to lose weight that takes very less space to perform. This exercise will work your whole body and is great to lose arm fat, especially for upper arm fat removal. You can begin with knee push-ups. You need to lie down flat on the ground. Come up to your hands and feet. This is your starting position. You will do just one push up and come back to your starting position. After this, you will need to bring your right knee forward to touch your right elbow, and then you will bring your left knee to your left elbow. This is the complete exercise; you need to do this for 30 seconds. Begin with a push-up, go for the knee kicks and then do a push up again. This will build strength in your arms and core.

Make sure to drink lots of water and to include some natural sources of protein such as egg white to your breakfast to support your workout. It is hard, but it is worth it! Eat well and enjoy a fun filled workout at home! Enjoy being healthy!

By: Mahnoor Malik 


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