BEAUTY-Make up

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but we often attempt to accentuate our features with makeup. SO what exactly is in make up products and should we trust these substances that we apply to our bodies? Could makeup actually be bad for you?

Make up is used all around the world by many women, men and can be used on a daily basis, for fashion, modelling, or just for fun! Make up varies for everyone and is used in many different ways, creating many different kinds of makeup looks. There are many products that vary is their uses to the skin and face. These include:
-Foundation (gives coverage/evens out the overall skin tone)
-concealer (conceals spots and blemishes/acne scars/dark circles)
-coutour palette (consists of different shades of brown powder to contour the face)
-highlighter (highlights the peaks of the face such as the nose bridge, cheekbones, cupids bow)
-powder (sets all the makeup on the face)
-bb cream (combination of sunscreen, foundation and moisturiser)
-lip products (can be transparent, or different shades of colors: warm/cool tones)
-eye shadow

These are some of the products that are commonly used!
Many people tend to think that make-up can portray a "fake" side to a person but this is not true. Athough make-up can change how you look, it is a way of expressing yourself and having fun.


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