What are we about?

Hi everyone! Welcome to Body & Soul! 

We are a passionate platform dedicated to promoting an overall healthy lifestyle, and here we explore the various ways in which we can achieve this. After all, an individuals health is based off a number of things.

First and foremost, meet our team members and their specialisation!

  • Sally: Diet
  • Mahnoor: Exercise
  • Tiana: Sleep and rest
  • Maddy: Mental health 
  • Angelina: Beauty

We hope you enjoy our blog! Lets get started with a brief overview of the topics we will be discussing 😊

Being healthy is a matter of mind and body. As such, what we put in our bodies, i.e. our diet, heavily influences our physical well being and health. A healthy diet consists of a balance between fruits, vegetables and other food groups, with minimal to none saturated fats and sugars. Eating healthy is one of the most important steps to living a healthier life.

Secondly, exercise can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Physical activity and exercise can have immediate and long term health benefits. Most importantly, regular activity can improve your quality of life.

Sleep plays a significant part in your physical health as it is involved in the healing and restoring of your heart and blood vessels. There is an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, diabetes and high blood pressure in relation to continuous sleep deprivation .

Mental health is an individuals condition in regard to their psychological and emotional well being.  Mental health issues can range from disorders that effect your mood, thinking and behaviour. Self - esteem and a positive self image is important for ones mental health because it is clearly linked between the way we feel about ourselves and our overall mental and emotional well-being.

Lastly, Beauty is a universal phenomenon and is represented in various ways in different countries and cultures. Not only does beauty give a physical display, but it can also tell a lot about an individuals health and how much effort and care is put into retrieving it. Beauty is a part of every day life and can impact an individual both mentally and physically.


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