Causes of Mental Illness

Mental Illness is a condition which causes serious disorder in a person's behaviour, thinking and mental health. There are many different causes of mental illness such as; genetics, stress, substance abuse, infections, personality factors etc. WebMD’s article “Causes of mental illness” provides heavily detailed information on these causes. 

- Genetics - mental illnesses may run in families. ‘Experts believe many mental illnesses are linked to abnormalities in many genes rather than just one or a few and that how these genes interact with the environment is unique for every person’ (Causes of mental illness, 2017WebMD).Mental illness occurs from the interaction of genes and other factors such as stress and substance abuse which can trigger an illness within a person who has inherited susceptibility to it. 

- Substance Abuse - Substance abuse has been liked to anxiety, depression, paranoia and other mental health problems. This is because users become dependant to the particular substance and their health slowly disintegrates. Alcohol is a depressant and can have the affect to cause mental illnesses such as depression and low self-esteem problems. Studies show that 50% of people with mental illnesses have some sort of alcohol or drug problem, showing a clear link between substance abuse and mental illnesses. 

- Infections - Some infections can impair the brains function and can result in brain damage. “Communication between neurons can also be electrical, such as in areas of the brain that control movement. When electrical signals are abnormal, they can cause tremors or symptoms found in other diseases “ (NIH, Brain Basics, 2017). 

- Personality Factors - There are some traits that people can contract that can trigger mental health problems and illnesses. Some traits like perfectionism and low self-esteem can cause mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. 

Mental illnesses are a result of various different causes, so it is vital to enhance your knowledge on these causes in order to decrease your chances of developing mental illnesses and mental health problems.


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