Fun & Cheap ways to Exercise

Don’t want to spend too much money on the gym membership? NO WORRIES
Try these easy & cheap tricks to live a healthy lifestyle:

•Floor exercises
Movies & TV is a great distraction while doing miserable crunches.

Spin to your favorite song! Make the moves

Go outside and run
Enjoy the weather. Make the effort to at least be outdoors for 30 minutes.

•Community service
Help build a house or dig a ditch or help someone whose moving houses.

Local park
I used to LOVE those work-out tour things at the park. Just go jump on stuff.

Get a dog
Dogs are a great excuse to get outside. Just don’t forget your mom jeans. HA

Clean your house really fast
Look skinny AND have a clean house!

•Free tennis courts
I can just about guarantee that you have free tennis courts within a few miles of you.

•Youtube Workouts
There are probably millions of YouTube workout videos. No excuse this time!

Kids will wear you OUT…AND you get paid with abs!

Netflix workout videos
What would we do without Netflix? There are tons of workout videos there.

By: Mahnoor Malik

Images from Google.


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