How much sleep is enough?

The amount of sleep you need will change as you get older, beginning with the most amount of sleep needed as a baby and slightly decreasing from then on wards. Check out the link below to view a chart of general guidelines for various age groups:

How much sleep is enough?

Naps are a common way for some people to respond to tiredness. However, although they can give a quick burst of alertness and performance, they can't actually make up for lost sleep, and cannot compare to night-time sleep.

For some people, days off work are used to “catch up on sleep” by taking naps throughout the say as well as sleeping in. This is an indication that you are not getting enough sleep, and it can actually mess up your sleeping pattern. If you have any concerns you could start a sleep diary whereby you record your number of hours of sleep each night, how you feel when you wake up in the morning, and whether or not you become tired throughout the day. Sharing this information with your doctor can help you to organise how you can improve your sleep.

It is also important to sleep at an appropriate time, as sleep deficiency can still be an issue even if an individual is getting the recommended number of hours of sleep for their age. For example, shift workers or emergency responders may have to monitor their sleep more closely compared to less- demanding jobs.


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