Mental health & Self-harm

Self-Harm is a severe problem that arises from poor mental health. Self-harm means any behaviour which involves the deliberate causing of pain or injury to oneself this usually occurs as a way of dealing with or trying to cope with distressing or painful feelings and emotions. This mental health issue is harmful to the victim and to their surrounding family and friends and can cause emotional pain and destress. Self-harm is sometimes seen as a cry out for help due to a amalgamation of depression, stress, anxiety etc. 

The road to recovery is emotional, seeing a psychologist is a great stepping stone as they can assist you come to terms with those suicidal thoughts and can encourage you to stop and reiterate that life is good and meaningful. The best you can do is offer to help or to encourage the person to get help. There is more help available through countless helplines such as; Kids helpline (1800 55 1800) and lifeline (13 11 14), do not hesitate to call these hotlines, someone is always there to help. Repairing the part of the brain that is causing these mental health problems such as depression and anxiety is crucial to beat the self-harming thoughts. It is possible to overcome this all-time low point and with the help of your community, family, friends and doctors everyone has the opportunity to experience how great life is


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