Strategies for getting enough sleep

Making sleep a priority will give you many benefits! Apart from improving your health not just right now but also in the future, you are likely to realise that your moods throughout the day have changed for the better, and you are able to get more done during the day.  

Here are some tips that hopefully will help you to improve your sleeping habits:

  • Make your bedtime and your waking-up time the same every day. This is especially important for children.
  • Try to stay on track with your sleep program when it comes to the weekends, by keeping the time difference as no more than an hour. Staying up later and sleeping in the next morning can disturb your body clock.
  • The hour before your bed time should be used as time to wind-down. Stay away from vigorous exercise as well as TV’s, computers, and phones. The bright light from the screens may indicate to the brain that it’s time to be awake.
  • Heavy, large-portioned meals shouldn’t be consumed within a couple of hours of bedtime. However, it’s not a problem to have a light snack.
  • Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, or consuming caffeine (such as caffeinated soft-drinks, coffee, tea, and chocolate) before bed. All of these substances are classified as stimulants, and can impact negatively on your sleep. Caffeine can affect the body for as long as 8 hours. So it’s not the greatest idea to drink coffee even in the afternoon, it could definitely stop you from falling asleep
  • Make sure your bedroom is silent and dark when you sleep (If needed, a dim light night is okay).
  • You could also try participating in relaxation techniques or taking a hot bath before you go to bed.

For more tips on getting more sleep, Check out the helpful video below!


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