Think you know about anxiety?

Anxiety is the most common mental health illness, in which you feel stressed and constantly under pressure. Any type of anxiety is a serious condition that makes it hard to cope with everyday life. There are many versions of anxiety such as; Social phobia, Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), Panic disorder etc. What causes this anxiety is not a single factor but a combination of things. These factors are things such as; ongoing stressful events, a family history of mental health conditions, having other mental health conditions and the list goes on. If you feel you may be suffering from one of these conditions there is a range of treatments and effective ways to you can help yourself. These treatments range from Seeing a therapist to going to acquire medical treatments. Combating any mental health issue is hard but there is countless amount of support and group support programs available. 

Anxiety can be prevented in some cases by having sufficient sleep and avoiding stressful environments however in some instances developing anxiety is inevitable. Don’t let this get you down, stay healthy and happy with a strong diet and regular social outings. Anxiety is still one of the dominant mental health illnesses however it isn’t permanent and can be treated with a little TLC and some friendly support from your family and friends.


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