
Showing posts from April, 2017

5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts at Home

How great to hear that you don't need to throw in money for the gym? Because you can workout at home! 5 Minutes of an intensive workout every day if good enough to maintain your body. You do need to pay attention to what you eat and try these techniques to burn your fat in just 5 minutes. These workouts will help you to experience fat loss all over your body if practiced every day. All you need for this fat burning workout is:  Towel  Mat  Leg Lifts Exercise: (30 Seconds) This exercise will work your legs and abs. You need to lie down on the mat facing upwards. Place your legs close to each other, now lift them straight up and bring them to your tummy. Put your legs down, while putting them down stretch them out in the opposite directions and bring them up to your tummy. Again as you place them down, close them and pull them up. Continue this same procedure for 30 seconds. You will feel a burn in your tummy and legs as you proceed.  This is undoubtedly the b

Healthy Brain Function and Emotional Well-Being

Sleep assists with the functioning of the brain. I’m sure we can all relate to that – when we feel as though we haven’t gotten enough sleep, we find it much harder to concentrate. While we are asleep, our brains actively prepare us for the following day by creating new ways to help us learn and remember information. An adequate amount of sleep improves ones learning, studies show. No matter what that might be, whether you’re learning to play the guitar, how to tackle math questions, or how to drive. Sleep helps to enhance your learning and problem-solving skills, to make decisions, be creative, and to pay better attention. In relation to emotional well-being, Sleep deficiency can alter the emotional parts of the brain. For example, if you’re sleep deficient, you may find it difficult to control your emotions and behaviour, and struggle coping with change. Sleep deficiency also shows some links to mental illnesses such as depression, suicide, and risk-taking behaviour. Further

Mental Health & Eating Disorder

Mental health is a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being and is heavily liked to illnesses such as eating disorders. A person's ability to cope with normal stresses and to function within society is all associated to their mental health and whether or not it is stable enough to deal with everyday life. Eating disorders are a reaction to a low self-esteem and a negative means of coping with everyday life and stresses, showing its strong link to the stability of one's mental health. These disorders are illnesses such as; anorexia, nervosa, bulimia etc. Lack of self-awareness, knowledge, self-image and mental health and its importance in your health and wellbeing can trigger disorders such as these and can have severe consequences on the patients appearance such as; unhealthy wight loss and behavioural problems. Eating disorders are associated with impairment in emotional and cognitive functioning that limits life activities. These

Exercise for Beginners

If you’re reading this, then you are probably new to weight training and looking for the best workouts and routines for beginners like yourself. I’m going to provide you with a few proven sample beginner workouts at the end of this post. Your exercise options are numerous, including walking, dancing, gardening, biking -- even doing household chores. The important thing is to choose activities you enjoy. That will increase your chances of making it a habit. How much exercise should you do? For heart health, at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, such as walking, on most days of the week. If you're getting less than that, you're still going to see benefits. It's not like if you can't do 30 minutes, you shouldn't do anything, because you're going to see benefits even at 5 or 10 minutes of moving around. A way to measure the intensity of your exercise is to check your heart rate or pulse during physical activity. These should be within a tar

DIET - Healthy Diet and Eating Habits

As we’ve already established, what you put in your body is important. The basics to eating healthy are to eat a variety of foods from the 5 food groups; -           Grain foods (bread, rice, etc.) -           Vegetables and legumes/beans -           Fruit -           Dairy Products (milk, yoghurt, etc.)  -           Proteins (lean meats, fish, etc.) Visit the link for more information: Of course, water is also important in healthy living. It is recommended that you drink at least 8x250ml glasses of water a day, which is approx. 2 litres. But of course, the more, the better! So how much do I have to eat a day? Well, the most basic and well known rule is ‘2&5’, which is 2 fruits and 5 vegetables. For 14-18yrs, it is best to consume 7+ serves of grains, 2-3 serves of proteins and about 3.5 serves of dairy products. Other things like sweets and alcohol should be

BEAUTY-Hair Care

People say that they can tell a lot about someone's health just by looking at their hair. It is crucial to take good care of your hair as it has the power to change an individual's Mental and physical appearance. When it comes to hair care, a lot of people think it is all to do with expensive treatments and brandy hair products, but there are so many natural and effective ways to care for your hair. Varying from facts that say shampooing your hair only twice a week will help with forming natural oils for your hair and therefore giving it a natural shine and healthy look, a broader insight is given to hair care. Some people may disagree to this and that is completely fine. Treatments for your hair are always recommended by professionals, hairdressers, doctors and etc. So many products have been made to prevent damage to your hair. Some include: -Natural hair products, containing less chemicals that may be bad for the scalp. -Essences and oils to apply before using a straig

What are we about?

Hi everyone! Welcome to Body & Soul!  We are a  passionate platform dedicated to promoting an overall healthy lifestyle, and here we explore the various ways in which we can achieve this. After all, a n individuals health is based off a number of things. First and foremost, meet our team members and their specialisation! Sally: Diet Mahnoor: Exercise Tiana: Sleep and rest Maddy: Mental health  Angelina: Beauty We hope you enjoy our blog! Lets get started with a brief overview of the topics we will be discussing 😊 Being healthy is a matter of mind and body. As such, what we put in our bodies, i.e. our diet, heavily influences our physical well being and health. A healthy diet consists of a balance between fruits, vegetables and other food groups, with minimal to none saturated fats and sugars. Eating healthy is one of the most important steps to living a healthier life. Secondly, exercise can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing se