Mental Health & Eating Disorder

Mental health is a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being and is heavily liked to illnesses such as eating disorders. A person's ability to cope with normal stresses and to function within society is all associated to their mental health and whether or not it is stable enough to deal with everyday life. Eating disorders are a reaction to a low self-esteem and a negative means of coping with everyday life and stresses, showing its strong link to the stability of one's mental health. These disorders are illnesses such as; anorexia, nervosa, bulimia etc.

Lack of self-awareness, knowledge, self-image and mental health and its importance in your health and wellbeing can trigger disorders such as these and can have severe consequences on the patients appearance such as; unhealthy wight loss and behavioural problems. Eating disorders are associated with impairment in emotional and cognitive functioning that limits life activities. These disorders are life threatening mental and physical illnesses, with mortality rates for anorexia and nervosa the highest of any psychiatric disorder. ('Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses' 2017). People who suffer from eating disorders and mental health problems may exhibit self-destructive behaviours which can act as a gate way to opening problems with alcohol and drugs. The causes for eating disorders are all somewhat connected with one’s mental health, Dr Lisa Johnson & associates’ article on eating disorders describes these similarities as things such as;
• A drive to be thin
• Body image dissatisfaction and / or excessive focus on weight and shape
• A self-perpetuating cycle of dieting and rebound
• Using food to switch off or zone out
• Using food as a way to comfort, soothe or pamper yourself
• Using food as a form of rebellion or self-punishment
• Perfectionism
• Rigid rules around food and eating
• An attempt to experience a sense of control
• Low self esteem
• Messages about food, eating, weight, or body image acquired over the course of a person’s life
• Using food as a way to cope with emotions such as depression, anger, stress or anxiety

There are many different solutions to disintegrate these eating disorders such as medicine and therapy. Having a positive self-image and a stable mental state is crucial to the healing processes of overcoming eating disorders. Undertaking therapy whilst undergoing the healing process may be a more successful solution as the person learns to come to terms with their problems and they start to heal their mind and soul, thus aiding the road to recovery. Eating disorders are a serious but treatable condition that can arise from a degrading stability of one’s mental health. Studies have shown that having a positive, stable mental state of mind and well-being can reduce the risk of contracting one of these disorders. So keep those minds strong and you’ll stay healthy and happy.

By: Maddy Tutt


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